Previous ReportOUT Campaigns
We are always plotting our new campaigns, but it is always important to reflect on our previous campaigns at ReportOUT. In this section, you can see what we have been involved with previously. You can read more about them below.

#OUTinPoland Campaign (2021)
Parts of Poland have created over 100 'LGBT exclusion' zones and Polish sexual and gender minorities are being ostracised, attacked and discriminated against throughout the country as a result of it. Our campaign #OUTinPoland saw ReportOUT volunteers take part in a virtual walk from Lublin to Rzeszow, doing 100 miles in 100 days with our campaign team. This was to lead with solidarity and to offer a donation to the work of Równość, a Polish equality organisation.
We smashed our target of £1,300 and we raised almost £1,500!

Empty Shoes Campaign (2020)
For IDAHOBIT in 2020 we took part in our first 'Empty Shoes Campaign.' This campaign highlighted the murders of sexual and gender minority activists in nation states across the globe. People donated shoes so we could photograph the empty spaces of the activists who once stood there. This powerful and raw campaign was designed to show the public why we do the work that we do, and why we must continue to tackle harms against sexual and gender minorities.

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Ride for Rights Campaign (2020)
Our 'Ride for Rights' campaign was designed to launch ReportOUT, and our mission, into the public consciousness, as well as highlight the criminalisation of sexual and gender minorities across the globe.
However, this happened during the height of COVID-19 lockdowns in the U.K. and in other parts of the world. Despite this, this campaign spread throughout the U.K. and went global as people used their exercise opportunities to take part in the campaign and to spread our message globally. People held up their signs and pushed our hashtag #RideForRights in countries such as Germany, Nigeria, Ghana and South Korea!

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